Friday, May 19, 2017

Death Wish Coffee "Taste Drive"

The World's Strongest Coffee?

Death Wish Coffee: World's Strongest Coffee?
Death Wish Coffee: World's Strongest Coffee?

Recently, a nice looking box arrived in the mail.  My wife ordered me some Death Wish coffee as a gift.  The bag of ground coffee came in a nice black cardboard box and included a "Death Wish Coffee" sticker suitable for putting on a vehicle.  I put my sticker on a black cabinet in my shop.

Death Wish ground coffee
Death Wish ground coffee

Death Wish coffee claims to be "the world's strongest coffee".  I was pleased to see that it was a dark roast, USDA certified organic, and fair trade.  I don't mind strong coffee, I just don't want something with caffeine artificially added.

I had taken a break from coffee for a week and was drinking herbal tea instead.  But with the Death Wish in my cabinet, I was ready to go back to coffee.  The next morning, I loaded up my Ninja coffeemaker with 5 scoops of death wish to fill my 20 oz travel mug.

This is a good time to explain what Death Wish means when it claims to be "the world's strongest coffee".  When I tasted the coffee, I liked the flavor.  It wasn't particularly sweet for a dark roast, it is more toward the bitter end of the spectrum, but decidedly a good drinking coffee.  I proceeded to drink it all, of course.

Within a few minutes, I figured out that Death Wish is about strong caffeine!  My eyes were wide open and I was almost shaking with energy.  I was zooming around a Home Depot store rounding up things for a project.  After I checked out, I realized that I left my coffee cup mug somewhere in the store.  I raced to the restroom in case I forgot it there.  Then I remembered that the restroom was closed when I came in- couldn't be there.  So I raced to the screws section.  Not there.  Next, I raced to the drill bit section.  Not there either.  Must be somewhere, though... So I raced back to restroom- but wait, it couldn't be there...

I must have looped around the store 5 or 6 times before finally finding my lost mug.  I later learned that Death Wish has 4 times as much caffeine as "normal" coffee such as Starbucks dark roast.  That is quite a bit of caffeine!

I think Death Wish is good organic dark roast coffee and is worth a try.  But now, I just use 2 scoops of grounds and make a cup instead of a full travel mug.

This article in Consumer Reports breaks down how much caffeine is really in Death Wish coffee.  Bottom line: don't drink too much of this, or you'll feel shaky and maybe even sick.  But a little is really good...

Is Death Wish really the world's strongest coffee?

Flavor:  No. I have had stronger french press coffee and even some brewed coffee that is stronger.  But flavor is interesting and a bit unexpected for a dark roast.
Caffeine:  Yes, probably.  This stuff is turbo charged (but 100% organic).
Recommendation:  Try Death Wish, but careful not to drink too much.

Copyright © 2017 Dr. Penny Pincher. All Rights Reserved. Coffee Maker Journal

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